FastAPI server

A backend for the FE2 user interface

Using Docker

Docker build and run the FastAPI server in background mode and follow the logs with:

docker build --tag=fastapi-server --no-cache --progress=plain . \
  && docker run --detach --publish=5001:5001 fastapi-server \
  && docker logs -f $(docker ps -lq)

open http://localhost:5001
open http://localhost:5001/docs


  • Remove --no-cache to accelerate rebuilds.

  • Remove --progress=plain to hide the build logs.

  • Remove --detach to run FastAPI as a foreground job.

  • Change --publish <host_port>:<container_port> to use a different host port.

  • Remove the docker logs command to keep the terminal free of logging info.

To kill the background container, run:

docker kill $(docker ps -lq)

Without Docker

For local development and testing:

pipenv shell
PYTHONPATH=. fastapi dev --host= --port=5001 server/

open http://localhost:5001
open http://localhost:5001/docs